Scale your IT architecture easily with the DATAREON ESB platform -

Scale your business with DATAREON

Scale your business with DATAREON

The DATAREON ESB platform provides seamless integration of all systems, distributed data storage, logging and event monitoring.


DATAREON is a multifunctional platform that allows you to:
• build easily scalable integration loops with ESB functionality;
• Distributively store, enrich, and transform corporate data in EDW storages;
• manage master data on products, goods and services in the MDM module.

You can use any of the Datareon modules separately or build a flexible, easily scalable data management framework based on several modules.

DATAREON ESB platform -

Project architecture with DATAREON

IT architecture with DATAREON ESB platform - KT.teamdata

DATAREON features


New apps are easy to integrate

Learn more about the DATAREON ESB platform -
With the DATAREON ESB platform, new applications are easily integrated into the architecture -

To integrate a new application into an IT architecture or replace an application, it is enough to create several new data streams. Dozens of existing integrations will not have to be revised and dozens of new ones developed.


Weak connections between systems make the architecture more manageable

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With the DATAREON ESB platform, weak links between applications make the architecture more manageable -

Each system does not “know” anything about the others and is only responsible for its own block of data as it is stored. The load on each system is reduced, and replacing the system in the integration circuit is made tenfold easier.


DATAREON transforms data into the right format

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DATAREON's ESB platform transforms data into the right format -

There is no need to modify the source system and the receiver system by introducing unusual logic into it. All transformations take place within the ESB, do not affect basic information and are not limited by the capabilities of finite systems.


Controlled data transmission channels eliminate the risk of data not being received

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With the DATAREON ESB platform, controlled data transmission channels eliminate the risk of not receiving data -

DATAREON independently controls the availability of communication channels and the delivery of messages to the share of the receiving system. The function is implemented at the level of the integration mechanisms of the DATAREON platform.


The control of transmitted data is part of the logic

Learn more about the DATAREON ESB platform -
The control of transmitted data is part of the DATAREON ESB platform logic -

DATAREON takes control over the correctness of data filling, enrichment and intermediate storage. If the source system does not have such functionality, you will not have to refine it and complicate the logic.


Data is safe

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Your data is safe with the DATAREON ESB platform -

The platform's logic is designed to ensure data security both during storage and during transmission. DATAREON provides encryption and supports secure connections.


Proactive diagnostics make it possible to identify and even prevent errors and losses in time

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Built-in proactive diagnostic tools for the DATAREON ESB platform make it possible to identify and prevent errors and data losses in a timely manner -

Diagnostics applies both to the data transfer process and to the state of source systems and recipients. You will receive timely notifications if something goes wrong, and you will be able to minimize losses and prevent serious business consequences.

DATAREON advantages



It has a flexible and easily scalable cloud infrastructure. It will not be a limit to the growth of your business and the number of systems.


Data security

It ensures data protection both during storage in the cloud and when transferred through integrations. The DATAREON functionality allows you to differentiate access to data both at the record level and at the attribute level.


Russian software

It is included in the Unified Register of Russian Software under the number 9907. It will not fall under sanctions and will not restrict access to functionality. The Russian company will not have problems paying for licenses.

ESB system implementation cases

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We have collected all the mistakes in integrations,
for you not to
make them

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Project Calculator

Cost of development
5 775 000 rubles
The team will develop for
6 weeks
Included in the calculation
Cross or Plus Icon
  • Preparation of a map of systems and data flows (SOA scheme);
  • We will work out exchanges on key entities;
  • Creating connectors for exchanging data for each stream on 3 stands (test, preprod, prod);
  • Setting up to three dashboards per connector within a ready-made monitoring circuit;
  • Documentation on copying integration, reusing, and maintaining;
  • Demonstration of the implemented functionality.
Additional works
Cross or Plus Icon
  • Preparing the infrastructure for connectors to operate;
  • Setting up the monitoring and logging circuit;
  • Creating connectors (storage - receiver) for exchanging data on each high-load stream (>100 messages per minute) on 3 stands (test, preprod, prod);
  • More than 15 attributes for each stream;
  • The cost of computing resources (subscription only);
How many streams the system will send

Example: “Product Management System” will send data about products. “Order management system” - about orders. “Warehouse management system” - about shipment status. This is 3 streams.


Example: “Warehouse Management System” will receive data about goods and orders. “Order management system” - about goods and shipment status. This is 4 streams.

How many streams the system will accept
Discuss the project

The calculator calculates using an accurate but simplified formula. The scope of work for your project and the final cost may vary. The final calculation will be made by your personal manager.

Обсудить проект

Калькулятор считает по точной, но упрощенной формуле. Состав работ по вашему проекту и конечная стоимость могут отличаться. Итоговый расчет сделает ваш персональный менеджер.


Calculation example

Learn more about Mule ESB features —
Creating and hosting services on Mule ESB —

To transfer data between systems, we create a “stream”. Some streams are needed to send data, while others are needed to receive data. Orders, goods, or other entities may be transferred in a separate stream.

For example, on the diagram:
1. The “Merchandise Management System” sends goods. “Warehouse management system” is the fact that an order has been shipped. “Order Management System” — orders. In total, the systems will send 3 streams;

2. The Warehouse Management System accepts goods and orders. “Order management system” — goods and the fact that the order has been shipped. In total, the systems will receive 4 streams.


Scope of work in the calculator

Learn more about Mule ESB features —

Included in the calculation


Preparing a map of systems and data flows (SOA scheme)

Preparing the infrastructure for connectors to operate

Development of object logic (connector business process diagram)

Setting up a monitoring and logging loop

Creating connectors for exchanging data for each stream on 3 stands (test, preprod, prod)

Creating connectors (storage - receiver) for exchanging data on each high-load stream (>100 messages per minute) on 3 stands (test, preprod, prod)

Set up to three dashboards per connector within a ready-made monitoring circuit

Over 15 attributes per stream

Documentation on copying integration, reusing, and maintaining

Demonstration of the implemented functionality

Included into account

Preparing a map of systems and data flows (SOA scheme)

Development of object logic (connector business process diagram)

Creating connectors (source - storage, storage - receiver) for exchanging data on each object on 3 stands (test, preprod, prod)

Set up to three dashboards per connector within a ready-made monitoring circuit

Over 15 attributes per object


Preparing the infrastructure for connectors to operate

Setting up a monitoring and logging loop

Creating connectors (storage - receiver) for exchanging data on each high-load object (>100 messages per minute) on 3 stands (test, preprod, prod)

Over 15 attributes per object

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