An AI that makes sure all obligations are correctly recorded, understood and fulfilled


It learns only on your knowledge base. The bot will not be able to provide an answer that is at variance with your rules.

Бот не сможет дать ответ, который расходится с вашими правилами.

It understands human language. You can ask him the question “How to sign an agreement?” , “What documents do I need to obtain from the client in order to conclude an agreement?” or use any other convenient wording - the main thing is to include search keywords in it.

Ему можно задать вопрос «Как заключить договор?», «Какие документы нужно получить от клиента, чтобы заключить договор?» или использовать любую другую удобную формулировку — главное включить в нее ключевые слова для поиска.

It learns while using it. Each new request and response improves the accuracy and correctness of the response.

Каждый новый запрос и ответ повышает точность и корректность отклика.

You can increase the bot's knowledge base without involving a developer.

5 signs that an AI bot for working with instructions and corporate rules will be useful to you


Your knowledge base contains more than 100 documents with rules, regulations, checklists, templates

Learn more about the capabilities of ESB systems -
Большой пул правил и инструкций в компании | KT.Team

How is it now?

It is almost impossible to remember all the nuances of each of the regulatory documents, so employees constantly spend time searching for the information they need. Or they make mistakes.

With an AI assistant

Now you don't need to remember where and in what form the specific regulations are. Just ask an arbitrary question to the bot and it will send you a summary and a link to the original document.


The knowledge base is growing, and some regulations are regularly updated

Learn more about the capabilities of ESB systems -
Корпоративные правила и инструкции постоянно обновляются | KT.Team

How is it now?

Each time you have to tell users about the changes and hope that this information will reach employees and will be used correctly.

With an AI assistant

You don't have to notify every employee about every change. The bot will only link to current regulations and rules, “wiping out” outdated recommendations.


Even experienced employees make mistakes and forget about some instructions

Learn more about the capabilities of ESB systems -

How is it now?

It is impossible to remember all the information about dozens and hundreds of rules and instructions. But if regulations are hard to find, employees prefer to “save time” and do it from memory.

With an AI assistant

With an AI bot, finding regulations is quick and easy. There's no reason to avoid it. As a result, fewer errors.


You have a complex structure for storing regulations and rules, or rules are stored separately in several sources

Learn more about the capabilities of ESB systems -
Базы знаний хранятся в нескольких системах | KT.Team

How is it now?

To find the document you need, you need to remember exactly the wording in its title or know exactly where it is in the knowledge base.

With an AI assistant

The AI bot will understand the query in any wording if it contains keywords not only from the title, but also from the body of the document. He will select the best matches, taking into account the context of previous communication with the employee and previous usefulness ratings from other users.


You don't have simple and transparent tools to monitor employees' knowledge of current regulations

Learn more about the capabilities of ESB systems -
Проверка знания правил и регламентов | KT.Team

How is it now?

You can't say exactly how the internal rules are enforced. You will only learn about violations when they already have an impact on the business.

With an AI assistant

First training, then performance. The additional module will test your employees' knowledge of regulations and rules, point out areas of ignorance and help you identify weaknesses.

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