Supplier portals

B2B portals for working with suppliers

Automate your work with suppliers through a single window. The introduction of a B2B portal for suppliers makes it possible to increase the speed of connecting new partners by 3 times or more, adding a new product range, as well as improving the quality of data on goods that come from suppliers.

You've lost your income at least several times because

The supplier did not send enough information to place items on online or offline shelves. Due to approvals, the product update was delayed for a week or more.

You sold the item at a loss.
The supplier's email went into spam, and the manager was unable to update the purchase prices in time.

You did not post photos of the new packaging on the site and received negative feedback from customers “They sent me the wrong product”.

To part with a supplier, you need to spend several working days on internal approvals of documents.

Working with suppliers should be like this

It takes a few minutes to add a new vendor and turn off the one you've broken up with.

There are no endless correspondence and clarifications: all requirements are collected in one place and are obvious to your managers and the supplier. There is no need to tell or ask for anything separately.

Information about new prices and products is not lost.

Working with each specific supplier does not depend on which managers are currently in the workplace.

The supplier portal is a single window for working with all your contractors

A supplier portal is a type of B2B portal where purchasing company managers (mainly from retail, but maybe any other area) work with an assortment of 10, 20 or more suppliers.

Through the supplier portal, the company sets requirements for information about goods that come from suppliers. What data, files, and additional information are needed to organize logistics, online and offline sales, marketing campaigns, etc.

The advantage of Talend ESB is a low-code approach to developing integrations -

screen from the Leroy Merlin supplier portal — used for illustrative purposes.

What is included in the B2B supplier portal

What's included in the supplier portal | KT.teamdata

Benefits of working through a supplier portal


A single window for all your managers and suppliers

Learn more about the capabilities of the B2B system -
One stop shop for all suppliers and managers |

You no longer need to monitor dozens of communication channels: email, messengers, and the company's internal systems (if you have direct integrations with one of your partners).

All information is collected in one source, and your managers are interchangeable.


The supplier immediately understands whether the information provided is sufficient

Learn more about the capabilities of the B2B system -
All work processes are transparent with the B2B supplier portal |

The system has requirements for product information. If there is not enough data on one or more items, the system immediately highlights this. You don't have to wait several hours (or days) for your manager to get around to sorting out the supplier's offer.


Information is neither spammed nor lost

Learn more about the capabilities of the B2B system -
Centralization of omnichannel orders in the B2B system -

The supplier sees whether their offer or update about cooks has been downloaded. Your manager sees all the changes in his personal account: what products have been added and what parameters have changed for the current product range.


Easy and intuitive interface

Learn more about the capabilities of the B2B system -
User-friendly interface on the supplier portal |

The supplier portal interface is built on UI/UX principles common to all applications.

It will be easy for both suppliers and customer managers to learn it, as the usual buttons, symbols and icons are located in their usual places, and the unique functionality is equipped with hints.


It takes less time for routine

Learn more about the capabilities of the B2B system -
User-friendly interface on the supplier portal |

Your managers spend less time on routine tasks, correspondence, and entering new data. They have more opportunities to negotiate discounts, volumes, customization, etc.

B2B and supplier portals implementation cases

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