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Business solutions based on Data Warehouse data

We are introducing shared storage (DWH) for analytics and data exchange in the enterprise. Data Warehouse allows you to quickly receive regular reports and more easily collect new reports based on a hypothesis. It also helps reduce integration support costs.

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DWH tools

Бизнес-решения на основе данных Data Warehouse
Внедряем общее хранилище (DWH) 
для аналитики и обмена данными на предприятии.

DWH data helps you make effective decisions in areas







Pharmaceutical industry

Many others

Enterprise shared data warehouse
(Data Warehouse) allows


Implement a Data Driven approach

Learn more about the DATAREON ESB platform -
With the DATAREON ESB platform, new applications are easily integrated into the architecture -

The Data Driven approach is a method of making decisions based on objective data and analytics, rather than based on intuition, expert opinion, or tradition. It allows companies to use their data to identify trends, understand customer needs, and forecast future events.

Data Warehouse houses structured data from across the enterprise. This way you can easily and quickly build any reports for making decisions.


Reduce integration support costs

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Simple DWH integrations -

DWH implementation begins with the development of fault-tolerant integrations. We are creating separate connectors that work independently.

With the help of integrations, DWH gets data from the entire enterprise in raw format. Such data can be consumed by both BI and the services themselves — ERP, PIM, etc.

Data exchange via DWH reduces integration support costs, ensures reliable data exchange and flexibility to change.


Get regular reports faster

Learn more about the DATAREON ESB platform -
Generate regular reports quickly -

Regular storefronts are formed on the basis of raw data. The data in them is updated at the required frequency. For example, once a day.

Analysts will be able to receive reports faster because BI uses already prepared data from their regular storefronts.


Test hypotheses point-by-point

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Simple hypothesis testing with ad-hoc showcases-

At the third level of DWH, showcases are created on demand for a specific hypothesis. This way the marketing department and sales department will be able to A/B test hypotheses 
and draw more accurate conclusions.

Get a free consultation with an expert

We will define the boundaries of the problem that causes losses to businesses

We will develop possible solutions and tools for their implementation

We will define the implementation plan and the next steps

You can implement this solution with us, another integrator or your team

Examples of hypotheses and their metrics

Find solutions to business issues, formulate and test hypotheses with clear metrics and accurate data.

Business questions

Hypotheses, ideas

Trackable metric

How to increase product sales on the site?

Items that start with emojis sell better.

Converting views to sales

How can we improve customer retention and loyalty?

The introduction of a repeat purchase bonus can encourage customers to return.

The share of repeat sales

What would be the most profitable product price?

An increase in the price of product "A" will increase its overall profitability.

Sales profitability

How to improve the efficiency of the retail chain?

Changing the store's design can increase sales with the same traffic.

The average customer's check at the store

How to reduce the cost of transporting and storing goods?

To switch to the just in time model, you need to understand when to buy goods.

The level of turnover of goods

Our approach
and benefits

Risk Free. If you are unhappy with the result, you don't have to pay for the work. We specify this clause in the contract.

Alienation. We don't hold customers hostage. All our solutions are easy to share with your team or another contractor.

Efficient IT. For us, IT is effective when it brings results for business and ensures a high rate of change.

Expertise. 400+ successfully launched integrations on various tools (Kafka, MuleSoft, WSO2, etc.).

Control. Each integration we have launched is under the control of the monitoring system.

Implementation steps

We have designed the implementation process so that you get the most out of it. You can go all the way with us. Or order any of the steps separately and hand over the rest to your team.

1. The boundaries of the DWH system have been formed

  • sample scenarios for using DWH have been identified;
  • the current and desired reports used by BI were analyzed;
  • an analysis of data sources, the volume and composition of data from them was carried out.

2. Technical specifications for storage have been generated

  • a composition of showcases has been formed on the basis of which business unit dashboards are built;
  • scenarios for their aggregation from the raw data warehouse have been recorded for showcases;
  • the composition of raw data warehouses has been determined;
  • database schemas are described;
  • the sources of raw data and the procedures for uploading them to the repository have been identified;
  • tools have been selected for creating showcases and raw data warehouses;
  • procedures for validating and ensuring data quality are described.

3. The project has been implemented

  • your BI system uses data only from DWH;
  • DWH can be easily improved not only for BI and analytics, but also for integrations;
  • DWH is poised to become the only source of truth in data for consumer systems.

Get a comparison table for DWH tools

We compared popular tools for implementing DWH. For example, Hadoop, PostgreSQL, ClickHouse, Greenplum, etc. The result is presented in a compact table. Submit a request and get the file for free.

A team of practitioners,
not theorists

The continuous development and training of the team is embedded in our processes. The qualification department, leading developers and managers are constantly updating and improving training practices. We do not allow employees who have not been successfully trained in key practices to participate in projects.


specialists on staff


average customers
and big businesses


implementation projects


years of practice
and successful cases

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KT.Team Музторг

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Группа компаний Музторг успешно сотрудничает с командой KT.Team уже более двух лет. При работе над проектами нам очень помогает высокий профессионализм наших партнеров, умение сочетать четкую организацию проектной работы с минимизацией формальных ограничений. Отдельно хотел бы отметить доброжелательность и открытость сотрудников KT.Team. Выражаю благодарность за плодотворное сотрудничество.
Дмитрий Савельев
Советник Правления по цифровому развитию
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Рабочая тетрадь Саблуков

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Илья Саблуков
Проектный менеджер
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Рабочая тетрадь Серветников

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Сергей Серветников
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KT.Team Brandly

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От лица Inventive Retail Group выражаю огромную благодарность команде KT.Team за плодотворное сотрудничество в рамках реализации нового амбициозного проекта. Хотели бы отметить высокую вовлеченность на всех этапах его реализации, профессионализм и личные качества всех задействованных в проекте сотрудников.
Мистулов Андрей Борисович
Директор по веб-разработке и проектному управлению
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KT.Team Трансатлантик

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KT.Team реализовала для TRANSATLANTIC INTERNATIONAL проект по внедрению PIM-системы. Несмотря на то, что проект был коротким, проектный менеджер регулярно организовывал отчётные встречи по статусу внедрения, показывал прогресс и делился планами на ближайший спринт. Продвижение по проекту было прозрачным и понятным для нашей команды, у нас была возможность скорректировать план. Запросы от проектного менеджера позволили адаптировать PIM-систему под наши запросы.
Максим Сергеев
E-Commerce Product Value Manager
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We came to KT.Team with a request to set up a platform to easily connect clients, carriers and WMS in FM Logistic France. The result was successively achieved. The work on project went well, and by now we have onboarded on a new platform a big client — it’s great result! I’d like to especially note very good reactivity and professionalism of the project managers, devs and ops who always help us. We look forward to working with your team on our new projects!
Eric Duboille
Directeur Expertise E-Commerce, FM France SAS
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Рабочая тетрадь Шилов

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Классно выглядит, притягивает взгляды. Знающие люди интересуются, возникают диалоги, которые итогом приводят к обсуждению поставленных задач их их решению. Удобно делать пометки, отслеживать мысли. Интересные, полезные цитаты позволяют отвлечься и иногда снизить уровень серьезности.
Максим Шилов
Руководитель группы IT-специалистов
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Integration of Talend ESB into the IT infrastructure of a logistics company

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We provided Polaris with the ability to easily bring new products to marketplaces

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“For some systems, we would not be physically able to digest the load that has increased over the current year if we stayed on the same technologies. We have achieved an effect on a significant and critical parameter for us: we were able to scale bandwidth without scaling sources and receivers.”
Andrey Kurilyuk
Deputy IT Director
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We have developed a targeted system integration scheme. We implemented ESB technology and launched 48 streams

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We are well known and appreciated in Russia

Rating of the best web studios/integrated digital production companies in Russia Tagline (2023)

Rating: Highload development of complex digital projects: 2021

Integration with 1C via ESB

Connect 1C to the data bus via a ready-made module

Connect 1C to the data bus faster and easier through a ready-made integration module. In the settings, specify which objects to send to or receive from the 1C system.

The risk of a vendor lock is excluded because the module is based on opensource tools.

Integration of Talend ESB into the IT infrastructure of a logistics company

Integration of Talend ESB into the IT infrastructure of a logistics company

Integration of the IT infrastructure of an e-commerce project with marketplaces using the WSO2 ESB service bus

Implementation of the Talend ESB service bus into the project's IT architecture

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