Implementing an ESB layer based on Talend -

1C integration using ESB

1C integration using ESB

We integrate 1C systems using ESB tools. We reduce errors and make it easier to work with integrations throughout the entire period of use.

Now you are capturing this picture in your IT circuit

1C systems and other vendors are integrated on a point-to-point basis.

For each integration, you are developing a new API in 1C; you already have a whole “zoo” of development approaches.

1C and other systems are overloaded with constant requests and data forwarding.

The complex data structure forces your team to think through and implement a new integration logic every time

You think integrations should work differently

The systems do not waste resources on data conversion and unnecessary requests.

Integrations with 1C are easy to create, control, and modify.

There are no conflicts between data storage systems.

Information from 1C enters the company's IT systems in full without loss.

We will build integrations of your 1C systems through the ESB layer

Benefits of ESB integration


Ease of development

Learn more about the capabilities of ESB systems -
Opportunities for scaling the IT circuit after the introduction of the ESB system -

Low-code tools make it easy to develop new connectors and incorporate into them any logic for extracting, transforming, enriching information and uploading it to final systems.

Modern ESB systems contain ready-made standard blocks that allow you to solve most problems without writing code.


Easy support and maintenance

Learn more about the capabilities of ESB systems -
Data conversion between formats in ESB systems -

ESB is a self-documenting layer with built-in monitoring. A technical support operator can easily isolate a problem when it occurs and, using instructions, fix it.


Quickly connect new systems

Learn more about the capabilities of ESB systems -
Opportunities for scaling the IT circuit after the introduction of the ESB system -

The service bus has rapid development tools, consisting of a large palette of pre-programmed actions, for example:

  • receive/send a message via JSON or XML to FTP;
  • get/send product data from one system, and if the required attribute is not available, “go” to another system for it and then queue it for placement in a third system;
  • copy the existing stream and adjust it to the requirements of the new system

A few days are enough to connect new systems.

To facilitate the connection of new systems, before starting a project, we conduct a pre-project study, plan flows and draw a map for connecting existing and new systems.

Learn more


Compatible with cloud and on-premises solutions

Learn more about the capabilities of ESB systems -
The ESB system is based on the low-code concept -

Ready-made connectors for a variety of IT systems from different vendors have already been developed by ESB vendor or community programmers. But even if there is no ready-made connector that is suitable for your purposes, it is easy to develop it from scratch. ESB doesn't limit your choice of application type, vendor, language, or framework.


Reducing the load on end systems

Learn more about the capabilities of ESB systems -
Self-documentability in the ESB system -

The source system transmits each of the entities once and at a given frequency, regardless of how many recipient systems consume this information. This makes it possible to reduce the gap on source systems by several (and sometimes several tens) times.


Timely detection and correction of errors

Learn more about the capabilities of ESB systems -
Self-documentability in the ESB system -

The ESB layer must include systems for logging, monitoring and notifying about emerging problems. As soon as there is a problem with delivering messages to any of the systems, engineers or technical support are notified about the incident and its localization.

We developed integrations for various ways of organizing data in 1C

For simple data storage (1-2 tables), we use the JDBC protocol

Case study: we integrated more than 200 1C retail products with the central office IT circuit through ESB Mule.

For complex data storage, there are OData protocols, RESTful API, SOAP, or GraphQL.

We created API development standards for 270+ data flows between 1C and other systems

ESB system implementation cases

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Is there a need for implementation?

Write to us, we will calculate the timing and cost of integrating 1C via ESB


We have collected all the mistakes in integrations,
for you not to
make them

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We write articles for our blog and for specialized publications

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Is a message broker always needed?

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Point to point, broker, ESB: what integrations will help build a loosely coupled IT architecture

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The properties of a flexible and scalable IT infrastructure: an educational program on basic concepts and the main evaluation criteria

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Project Calculator

Cost of development
5 775 000 rubles
The team will develop for
6 weeks
Included in the calculation
Cross or Plus Icon
  • Preparation of a map of systems and data flows (SOA scheme);
  • We will work out exchanges on key entities;
  • Creating connectors for exchanging data for each stream on 3 stands (test, preprod, prod);
  • Setting up to three dashboards per connector within a ready-made monitoring circuit;
  • Documentation on copying integration, reusing, and maintaining;
  • Demonstration of the implemented functionality.
Additional works
Cross or Plus Icon
  • Preparing the infrastructure for connectors to operate;
  • Setting up the monitoring and logging circuit;
  • Creating connectors (storage - receiver) for exchanging data on each high-load stream (>100 messages per minute) on 3 stands (test, preprod, prod);
  • More than 15 attributes for each stream;
  • The cost of computing resources (subscription only);
How many streams the system will send

Example: “Product Management System” will send data about products. “Order management system” - about orders. “Warehouse management system” - about shipment status. This is 3 streams.


Example: “Warehouse Management System” will receive data about goods and orders. “Order management system” - about goods and shipment status. This is 4 streams.

How many streams the system will accept
Discuss the project

The calculator calculates using an accurate but simplified formula. The scope of work for your project and the final cost may vary. The final calculation will be made by your personal manager.

Обсудить проект

Калькулятор считает по точной, но упрощенной формуле. Состав работ по вашему проекту и конечная стоимость могут отличаться. Итоговый расчет сделает ваш персональный менеджер.


Calculation example

Learn more about Mule ESB features —
Creating and hosting services on Mule ESB —

To transfer data between systems, we create a “stream”. Some streams are needed to send data, while others are needed to receive data. Orders, goods, or other entities may be transferred in a separate stream.

For example, on the diagram:
1. The “Merchandise Management System” sends goods. “Warehouse management system” is the fact that an order has been shipped. “Order Management System” — orders. In total, the systems will send 3 streams;

2. The Warehouse Management System accepts goods and orders. “Order management system” — goods and the fact that the order has been shipped. In total, the systems will receive 4 streams.


Scope of work in the calculator

Learn more about Mule ESB features —

Included in the calculation


Preparing a map of systems and data flows (SOA scheme)

Preparing the infrastructure for connectors to operate

Development of object logic (connector business process diagram)

Setting up a monitoring and logging loop

Creating connectors for exchanging data for each stream on 3 stands (test, preprod, prod)

Creating connectors (storage - receiver) for exchanging data on each high-load stream (>100 messages per minute) on 3 stands (test, preprod, prod)

Set up to three dashboards per connector within a ready-made monitoring circuit

Over 15 attributes per stream

Documentation on copying integration, reusing, and maintaining

Demonstration of the implemented functionality

Included into account

Preparing a map of systems and data flows (SOA scheme)

Development of object logic (connector business process diagram)

Creating connectors (source - storage, storage - receiver) for exchanging data on each object on 3 stands (test, preprod, prod)

Set up to three dashboards per connector within a ready-made monitoring circuit

Over 15 attributes per object


Preparing the infrastructure for connectors to operate

Setting up a monitoring and logging loop

Creating connectors (storage - receiver) for exchanging data on each high-load object (>100 messages per minute) on 3 stands (test, preprod, prod)

Over 15 attributes per object

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