AI CALLS is an AI assistant for working with any video and audio calls and analyzing call data. What does it include?

Automated transcripts of meetings

Full automated meeting minutes |

Accurate transcription of even slang and terms

We teach AI CALLS to learn words that are not from the general vocabulary based on your specifics. This is what it looks like for project teams:

Accurate transcription of professional slang and terms automatically |

Infallible brief minutes of meetings

Recording agreements in the call protocol |

Analysis of calls for any metrics

Would you like to know how your managers communicate with clients, whether they comply with meeting rules, and how they discuss agreements? Together with you, we will formulate promts for analyzing calls and teach you how to add new metrics to analytics. For example, metrics for sales calls:

AI for analyzing sales calls for compliance with standards and guidelines |

Control over compliance with regulations and developing feedback

The chatbot will correlate the transcript of the meeting with the current regulations for a specific type of call and provide detailed feedback with recommendations for improvement.

AI for analyzing sales calls for compliance with standards and guidelines |

Sort calls by categories

Do you need a snapshot for a separate project? Would you like to see analytics on first contacts with customers? With AI CALLS, it's easy to set up the filters you need and see only what you need.

Automatically sort calls by category |

Quick answers to arbitrary questions

We integrate storage with a chatbot. Ask questions about an individual meeting, customer interaction, or manager's work and get clear, detailed answers in seconds.

Everything meeting participants will receive protocol automatically
(subject to your regulations)
the protocol can be short or complete, external employees can receive a separately generated secure protocol

All participants automatically receive the meeting minutes after the call without additional clicks |

Reporting in the form you need

A meeting title is automatically generated that describes substance
Who did you talk to, what did you talk about, what results did you get? — all this is in the title of the meeting and the subject line of the letter.

Accurate headlines are generated automatically for meeting minutes |
Eliminate data loss during exchange
Automatic protocols
Explanation of terms
An unmistakable summary of meetings
Any call metrics
Compliance with regulations
Sort calls
Search for answers to calls
Automatic distribution of protocols
Reporting on calls
The title describes the essence of the meeting
Discuss implementation
Is there a need for implementation?

Contact us and we will calculate the timing and cost of implementing an AI assistant

There is a gap between a boxed product and its convenient use in your processes. We we know how hers overcome through proper implementation

Что входит в базовый пакет внедрения

Внедрение ИИ-ассистента для ведения протоколов и расшифровки звонков - интеграции с amo, Битрикс, календарем | KT.Team
Одна интеграция с конференц-связью и календарем (любыми)
Одна интеграция с любой CRM-системой
Ваш чат-бот (или встраивание в существующий)
Обновляемый интерфейс для статистики и аналитики, которым удобно пользоваться
(общие и отдельные для юнитов и проектов)
Базовый пакет внедрения можно дополнить любыми дополнительными интеграциями с конференц-связью, календарями, CRM или другими системами компании, ботами, почтами...

ИИ не всегда обеспечивает идеальные результаты.
Поэтому мы даём вам протестировать уже внедренный ИИ-инструмент в течение 1 месяца бесплатно.

Если результат отличается от того, что мы обещали на демо, вы можете не платить!

What else do you get?

Advanced AI settings for call decryption: categories, projects, security, regulations |
Automatic call sorting by projects and units
Questions to calls for 3 departments/categories
Opportunity tune call categories, questions, regulations for each category, etc.
Accounting your regulations safety: NDA call validation and any suggestions.
Is there a need for implementation?

Contact us and we will calculate the timing and cost of implementing an AI assistant


Turnkey language model in the cloud

1 million

for implementation + $20—100/month for using LLM

Turnkey language model on your servers

from 1.5 million

for implementation + $20—100/month for using LLM

Under the hood — any wishes

Code — on your stack /language
(out of the box — JS microservices)

Out-of-the-box interface in tables — but may be anything

GPT + TL; DV — только базовая конфигурация. На вашем проекте можем использовать Llama, Yandex SpeechKit или любую другую языковую модель.

Language model and integrations/logic can be in the cloud or on yours servers.

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