110 IT specialists for your team. Book one of them today

We will provide your project with IT specialists with a guarantee

You need developers, analysts, project managers or other IT specialists, but

There are not enough HR resources to fill all vacancies

It is not possible to employ all specialists

You need temporary/operational strengthening of the IT team

No experience in recruiting and developing specialists with such a stack

You understand that it is more convenient to outstaff specialists

We provide outstaff specialists for your projects

Back-end developers

  • PHP
  • Go
  • Java
  • Python
  • C++
  • C#
  • .Net
  • Kotlin
  • 1S

Front-end developers

  • JavaScript
  • Typescript
  • VUE
  • Angular
  • UX/UI

Mobile developers

  • IOS developer
  • Android developer
  • React developer

QA and DevOps engineers

Analysts, projects, etc.

  • Product manager
  • Project manager
  • Product owner
  • Product analyst
  • Data analyst
  • Business and System analyst
  • 1C Business Analyst

We have been hiring and developing IT specialists for 10 years

Technical expertise of the internal community and an end-to-end training system

Built by hiring and onboarding companies

If the employee you need is an individual entrepreneur or self-employed, a resident of the Republic of Belarus or Kazakhstan, we know how to formalize relations with him so that he is available to you as an outstaff member

Replacement Guarantee

If the candidate does not suit your hard or soft skills, we will find a replacement for you free of charge.

how do you outstaff IT staff


Together with you, we draw up and approve the candidate's portrait.

We discuss your needs at the first meeting to weed out the wrong candidates


We are expanding the base

We offer not only employees from our current staff, but we are also specifically looking for those on the market who meet your needs


We determine whether the candidate meets your needs

Including the technical interview phase


We draw up a contract and accompany the employee

Onboarding on your project and while working on your project

We gather teams that work on projects

5 steps from application to our employee entering your project


We conclude an agreement.A personal manager is assigned to you to resolve operational issues, and we provide access to the employee database and the task board upon request.


We draw up and approve the candidate's portrait:
hard skills, experience features, soft skills. It is important for us to understand what kind of candidate (his character, qualities) you want to see. In addition, we will clarify who is definitely NOT suitable for you.


We are conducting an initial screening of candidates.We evaluate the candidate for compliance with your requirements and show you only suitable candidates for your request.
We will show the first candidates in a few days.


Additionally: We conduct technical interviews.


A suitable candidate comes to your project.Payment based on the results of the reporting period

Why our IT staff is right for your project


More than 100 IT professionals available — with different stacks and levels


Adaptive assessment system to the client's criteria, an end-to-end system of training and development for employees


There is technical expertise for conducting technical interviews. Our experts have someone to ask: what you did, what you didn't do, and what happened for it.


Established hiring practices: there are no “inconvenient” employees, we know how to employ various forms of employment and options for concluding a contract.

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